Hiring Policy

Last modified by Anders Dohn on 2023/05/31 14:59


Copenhagen Optimization believes that hiring qualified individuals is essential for the overall success of the company. Each employee is hired to make significant contributions to Copenhagen Optimization. In hiring the most qualified candidates for positions, the following process is followed.


Copenhagen Optimization practices equal opportunity, and fair hiring processes when filling positions, and hires only the most qualified individuals to ensure the success of our business. Copenhagen Optimization has adopted this Hiring Policy to ensure that all employees and potential candidates are considered for employment opportunities in a fair and consistent manner.


Copenhagen Optimization requires that all requests for new or additional personnel be directed to the Copenhagen Optimization CEO for approval. Personnel requests shall include the position title, essential job functions, necessary qualifications, reasons for the opening, and the hours/shifts required.

Job Postings:


  • Copenhagen Optimization requires that all new postings of employment be circulated internally.
  • This process is designed to give current Copenhagen Optimization employees first priority in consideration for new employment opportunities within the company, and to promote applicable employees whenever possible.
  • Qualified applicants under the employment of Copenhagen Optimization shall remain subject to the normal hiring processes, including interviews, etc.


  • Copenhagen Optimization shall publicize any new employment opportunities, through relevant channels.
  • External job postings shall be based on necessity and budget requirements.
  • The People & Culture division shall be responsible for the placement of all recruitment advertisements.

Application Process:

  • Copenhagen Optimization encourages that all applicants complete an application for the consideration of employment.
  • Applicants must also submit a resume and preferably letters of reference.
  • Copenhagen Optimization will review all properly completed applications and interview the most qualified candidates.
  • Candidates that for any reason do not meet the requirements for employment shall remain classified as applicants and may re-apply for reconsideration.


  • Interviews shall be scheduled and conducted by the hiring manager, supported by the People & Culture division.
  • Upon completion of all scheduled interviews, the results shall be reviewed by the hiring manager.
  • The hiring manager shall make hiring decisions at his/her discretion.
  • Original copies of completed interview guides and candidate responses, applications and resumes of applicants that were not selected for hiring shall be forwarded to People & Culture to ensure the appropriate retention of information and to ensures that this is done in accordance with EU GDPR.
  • People & Culture shall notify applicants not selected for employment regarding the closure of the position.

Internal Transfers:

  • Employees are encouraged to apply for internal job openings and will have their applications considered on the basis of their qualifications and potential for success at the position.
  • Employees applying for internal job postings must first obtain the consent of their department manager.
  • Internal applicants who are not selected for the position shall be notified by People & Culture.

References and Background Checks:

  • The hiring manager and People & Culture shall conduct reference and background checks on all potential candidates for employment at Copenhagen Optimization.
  • Background checks are designed to protect the safety of our employees and integrity of our clients, by minimizing the hiring of potentially dangerous individuals with criminal backgrounds.
  • A clean criminal record shall be provided by the applicant if employment is offered, if the applicant is 15 years of age or older.
  • References shall be checked, if it is found necessary, to ensure a candidate's qualification for the position.

Offer of Employment:

  • Copenhagen Optimization shall give a conditional offer of employment to applicants that have been selected through the application and interview process.
  • Job offers shall be contingent on the applicant's agreement to company policies, successful reference and background checks, and any other condition applicable to the position that are required of the employee.
  • Should the applicant accept an offer of employment from Copenhagen Optimization, he/she will be considered an employee, and provided with a start date and required location to report for duty.
  • Employee orientation shall be provided, and will include workplace policies, rules and regulations, and other job specific information designed to assist the employee in his/her duties.

Potential Hiring Conflicts:

Family Members:

  • Copenhagen Optimization shall accept applications from and consider a member of an employee's immediate family for employment if the candidate has all the requisite qualifications.
  • An immediate family member shall not be considered for employment if by doing so, it might create a direct or indirect managerial/subordinate relationship with the family member, or if his/her employment could create a conflict of interest either real or imagined.
  • For the purposes of this policy, immediate family members shall be defined as: Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, or any In-Laws.

Employee Relationships:

  • Employees engaging in romantic relationships and employees that become married or live in the same household may continue their employment with Copenhagen Optimization provided that there is neither a direct or indirect managerial/subordinate relationship between the employees, or a conflict of interest, real or imagined, created as a result of the relationship.
  • In the event that either a managerial/subordinate, or conflict of interest issue arise, Copenhagen Optimization will work with the employees to accommodate them in a reasonable fashion. Possible resolution may require one of the employees to transfer to another position within the company. If this is not possible, one of the employees must resign.

Former Employees:

  • A former employee who left Copenhagen Optimization on amicable terms may be eligible for reemployment.
  • Former employees who left Copenhagen Optimization without proper notice, or whose employment was terminated for disciplinary reasons, shall not be eligible for reemployment.